A Bowl Full

The Best Brownie Ever

As a portuguese girl, I used to finish my working days at a coffee shop (or Pastelaria! Hummm!) over a coffee and a Pastel de Nata (or any other delicious pastry, depending on the mood) while I lived in Portugal.

I was delighted to find this bookstore at Midtown Harrisburg, close to the Market where I usually go do my shopping.

“A recipe is a story that ends with a goos meal”

Pat Conroy

Fridays or Saturdays just became more special, weekly shopping was brought up to a whole new level: after spending time at the market, I can indulged myself with a visit to the bookstore, looking for the latest best sellers or old, special editions (by the way, did I mention that there is a used books corner at this shop?), choosing my next reading and finishing my visit at a table with a cappuccino and a “to die for” brownie. For a few minutes it feels like home!

Coming back home, I have everything I need for a week of home cooked meals, readings and a warmed soul by smells, flavours and ideas!

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